Night Wolf Comics
Born into the outcast breed of werewolves known as the Monoki, eighteen-year-old Rodney Marcelli is reluctantly thrown into an ancient war between good and evil in today's world where the line has blurred. With the help of Snow Paw the Pureblood Monoki and the supernatural evil slayer Night Hunter, Rod must learn to master his newly found lycanthropy and mysterious kinetic energy power that only he possesses. While struggling to keep his soul from the conflict within, Rod must fight the Dark Covenant in order to avenge his friends and family, and save the girl he loves from the master vampire, Lord Malice. Rodney Marcelli is Night Wolf!
- Rodney Marcelli – Alias: Night Wolf
- Jennifer Conway
- Cirilla MacKinlay – Alias: Snow Paw
- Lord Malice
- Tartarus
- Black Claw
- Hecate
- Circe & Janelle
- Raven Hunter – Alias: Night Hunter
- Jessie Fabian
- Agents Bokor & Hyde
- Subject Revealed Soon!