Darien Jericho

- Name: Unknown
- Alias: Darien Jericho
- Age: Unknown
- Height: 5' 11"
- Weight: 187 lbs.
- From: Unknown
- Affiliation: Jericho Inc.
- Power Class: Eternal
- Powers:
- Immortal
- Full Power Set Unknown
Darien Jericho is an evil Eternal who has been around for centuries. Not much is known about his long existence. Obtained classified records as far back as medieval times show that Darien was a member of a thieves guild in England. Years later Darien helped kick start the Industrial Revolution leaving Europe for the United States to became a wealthy and ruthless Robber Baron. During World War II Darien, as a cruel entrepreneur, made millions by selling weapon to both warring powers. This was the beginning of the corrupt corporation, Jericho Inc.
Today Darien is the CEO/President of Jericho Inc. Though Arken City has an "elected mayor" ultimately Darien has control over the city and the lives of its people. The mayor is merely a company owned figure-head position. Unchallenged, Darien is free to operate genetic engineering experiments and other unorthodox scientific endeavors while making a name in the weapons manufacturing business.